Medical Assist

Saturday, August 21 at 11:07 PM – Newton.

Medical units were paged to an address in Newton.  Responding were Ambulance 160 (CEMS), Squad 50 (Newton) and Squad 71 (Logan).

Working Structure Fire

***Not the official release for this incident.  For an official release contact Clarkston Fire or Cache County Fire.

Monday, August 16, 2010 at 6:43 PM – Clarkston:

A fire was reported in a shed behind a residence in Clarkston.  Fire units were dispatched from several stations for the working structure fire assignment.

Responding on the first alarm were Battalion 10, Engine 10, Squad 10 (Clarkston), Engine 130 (Trenton), Engine 50 (Newton), Rescue 70 (Logan), Battalion 3A, 3A220 and 3A224 (CCFD). 

The first due unit struck a second alarm with dispatch which brought Engine 20, Air 20 (Lewiston), Engine 30 (Richmond) and Engine 40 (Smithfield).

Engine 10, Engine 130 and Engine 50 each brought a supply line from hydrants and deployed attack lines to control the fire.  The second alarm engines were used for manpower to handle the multiple hose lines and for overhaul when the fire in the shed was knocked down.

The fire in the shed also ignited hay bales that were nearby.  Once the shed was under control a backhoe was used to spread apart the bales so the fire in the hay could be extinguished with the established hose lines.

Squad 10 and Rescue 70 provided rehab to the firefighters as needed.  Air 20 assisted in refilling the breathing air bottles used to protect the attack teams working in the heat and heavy smoke conditions.

Grass Fire

Monday, August 16, 2010 at 5:39 PM – Cache County:

A fire was reported in the area of Cutler Dam and fire units were paged to respond.  While en-route it was determined that the fire was north of Cutler Dam area, towards the short divide west of Clarkston.

Battalion 10 (Clarkston) arrived at the county line on the Short Divide and discovered the fire was near Plymouth, Utah in Box Elder county.  Cache County units cancelled.

Responding were Battalion 10, Brush 10, Tender 10 (Clarkston), Brush 50, Brush 51 (Newton), Battalion 3A, 3A220 and 3A224 (CCFD).

Traffic Collision

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 1:20 PM.

Medical units have been paged to a traffic collision on SR 23, approximately 1/2 mile south of the Benson Marina road, in 110’s response area.

With multiple patients and varying injuries, additional medical units were requested.

Medical units responding:  Rescue 70 and Rescue 71 (Logan), Squad 110 (Mendon), Squad 50 (Newton) and B160 (CCEMS).

Law enforcement reports that there have been two separate crashes at this location, a motorcycle crash, then a subsequent vehicle crash.

At the time of this post medical units are treating the patients and preparing for transport.

Tender Task Force

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 3:30 PM

Newton fire was paged along with other stations in north Cache County to assist with water supply at a haystack fire east of Franklin, Idaho on Maple Creek Road.

Franklin County units alerted dispatch to the request via a radio call.  Mutual Aid response plans are in place for multiple types of incidents, including water supply needs.

Tender 50 joined water tenders and other support units from 6 other Cache County stations to respond for this assist in Franklin County.

At the time of this post Cache County units are still providing water supply for the mop-up operations at this incident.

Medical Assist

8/10/2010 at 10:15 AM

Medical units were paged to a medical assist on 4800 West, Cache County.

Ambulance 160 (CCEMS), Squad 50 (Newton), Squad 40 (Smithfield) and Squad 70 (Logan) responded.

Tender Task Force

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Newton fire was paged along with other stations in north Cache County to assist with water supply at a haystack fire on Cannibal Road, Cove area.

Tender 50 joined water tenders and engine companies to protect exposures while the hay was allowed to burn.

Tender 50 returned to the station in the early morning hours of August 5th.